Here are a few pictures of the kids. They are growing so fast. We have had a lot of fun trying to explain to Nathanael(only 2) about Christmas being a time to celebrate Jesus' birth. We told him that we give gifts to others to show our love for them but that it is not about the gifts. Well he came back a few minutes later and said "Jesus said he is going to give me two presents-cars & Thomas the train." Then as we were putting up decorations Makayla saw the Nativity scene and asked who all the people were. We explained that there were Wise Men that brought gifts. Well she got the story of the wise man and the foolish man mixed up with the Three wise men and pointed to one and said "Is that the foolish man?" Out of the mouth of babes.
1 comment:
Wow!!! Great pictures Jen!!! Looking forward to seeing ya'll real soon!!
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