Friday, December 19, 2008
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Visitors in Church

Last Sunday we had 6 visitors at church. Four were kids- and my kids we so excited to have more kids in Sunday School. We had a great time. It was such a blessing to see new faces. Since the church here is without a Pastor, Darren has been filling the pulpit and doing a great job. Satan is fighting but God is still on the Throne.
Chipmunk in Church

Last night before service started Zachary ran and said theirs a squirrel in the church office. We all went to see but all we found was its stash of pecans. Darren moved the couch and saw that it was a chipmunk. We didn't think to much about it until this morning. We all came to the church with Darren and Zachary went into the bathroom in the office and came out screaming- "I found the chipmunk!!!!" We all came to see and sure enough it was in the toilet. Darren was preaching last night that Christmas can be the saddest time for some people and the suicide rate is higher-well guess we saw our first victim of unhappiness!!!! Ha!

Here are a few pictures of the kids. They are growing so fast. We have had a lot of fun trying to explain to Nathanael(only 2) about Christmas being a time to celebrate Jesus' birth. We told him that we give gifts to others to show our love for them but that it is not about the gifts. Well he came back a few minutes later and said "Jesus said he is going to give me two presents-cars & Thomas the train." Then as we were putting up decorations Makayla saw the Nativity scene and asked who all the people were. We explained that there were Wise Men that brought gifts. Well she got the story of the wise man and the foolish man mixed up with the Three wise men and pointed to one and said "Is that the foolish man?" Out of the mouth of babes.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Jesus Is The Reason For The Season

As we prepare to celebrate Christmas, let us remember that although Christmas is a wonderful time of the year it cannot:
*Heal a broken heart
*Reclaim a wayward child
*Solve all problems
*Ensure everlasting happiness
Only JESUS can! Without HIM Christmas is just another day. He is not just the "reason for the season." He is God's Son, the Father's Gift of love to the world! "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16
We wish you a MERRY CHRISTMAS from the Vroman Family
Monday, June 9, 2008
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
New Bed

Nathanael will be celebrating his 2nd birthday on father's Day. We got the boys some bunk beds. Nathanael is officially a BIG BOY. Here he is in his new bed. A few nights he would still go to his baby bed when we sent the kids to bed, so I had to take down the baby bed. Bitter sweet time for the both of us.
Thursday, May 8, 2008

Look what we found sitting on our back porch this morning!!! It was the neatest thing. The only time we have seen an owl that close was in the zoo. Oh, yeah we have seen one on that commercial for tootsie pops!!! You remember the one where the kid asks Mr. Owl how licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop!!!!! Well the kids really loved watching him. It was only there for about 5 minutes then flew away. We were all amazed by another beauty of God's creation!
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Friday, May 2, 2008
May is Here!!
Can you believe it is already May!!! Time really has flown by. Sickness has hit the Vroman household again. The weather changes so much that it affects the kids every time. Please pray for Jeremy. He returned to Iraq this week. He was blessed with a wonderful visit with his family. I was able to talk to him before he left. It was so good to hear his voice. He is praying to return home for good in July.
Friday, April 25, 2008
Sorry For Not Posting!!!
Friday, April 18, 2008
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Jeremy is home from Iraq!!!
New at blogging!!!!
Well we figured we would have a try at this blogging business. We have enjoyed all the others!!! So here we go!!!!!!!!!
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